基督中心 Christ Center Gospel Mission

P.O. Box 325, Vista, CA 92084, USA

福音體恤佈道運動10-Commandments and the Cross T-shirt Witnessing

親愛的主內兄姊平安 :

近年來世風日下, 殺人 ( 含墜胎 ), 強姦, 偷 盜, 虛假 , 謊言等等, 到處都是; 離婚已超過百分之五十一以上, 同性婚已有數州合法. 這些不合聖經教訓的事, 追根究蒂都是因為人們把十誡與耶穌的教訓拋諸腦後. 我們基督徒應該靠神大能, 以行動來中流砥柱, 挽回狂浪, 為主見証. 如今, 無神論及敵基督份子以政教分開曲解憲法, 要求不許十誡及十架在公共場所設立, 已經存在的也要摧毀除掉. 所以, 靈感動我們, 讓我們設計了 “十誡和十架 的體恤, 穿了上大街小巷去見証. (請看所附之照片),靈也感動您個人, 團契, 教會來參加這個福音體恤運動. 我們印製了些十誡和十架 的體恤, 願以成本出讓, 每件奉獻五元, 外加郵費約每件五元( 多退少補 ), 請來信告知數目, 極大,,,. 支票可寫 (基督中心 ) Christ Center Gospel Mission CCGM, 即當寄上. 祈能立刻展開異地同工. 讓我們同聲感謝讚美主! 如對此間無線電及全球衛星電視佈道有負擔与奉獻, 將合併發給免稅收據. 願神祝福您()!

                                                                                                           您的同工   樓鎧    敬上

Gospel T-shirt Evangelism Movement

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

In recently years, morality has declined dramatically, including murders, abortions, rapes, robberies, cheating and scams. Divorces have exceeded 51%. Homosexual marriage has become legal in several states. All these can be traced to disobeying the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ. We, Christians, must depend on the power of God to stop this trend by open witnessing. Now, many atheists and non-believers forbid the Ten Commandments and the Cross to be displayed in public places, based on the false idea of separation of church and state. The Holy Spirit has inspired us to design “The Ten Commandments and the Cross” T-shirts, so that we can witness for Christ in the public (Please see the following photos). We sincerely pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire you, your fellowship group, and your church to participate in this gospel T-shirt witnessing movement. We have printed some “The Ten Commandments and the Cross” T-shirts. We will give away at cost. Each costs $5 to make. We consider the cost as donations. Postage cost is approximately $5 (This will be reduced in quantities). Please let us know the number of T-shirts you need. We have sizes XL, L, M, S and several colors. Please send checks payable to Christ Center Gospel Mission, or simply CCGM. We pray that we can labor at different locations to witness for the Lord and give glory to Our Lord!

If you have burdens for the global TV broadcasting and Internet witnessing, please also donate likewise. We will provide tax-deductable receipts.

May God bless you and your family!

Your coworker in Christ, Micah Leo

Click here for T-shirt Details