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Lecture 10: < http://youtu.be/nPzQlCxDh-U

Wk5 - Speech, Techniques of Writing 5,


Bible and Science 圣经与科学 Beginners' English 入门英语课程大纲 Intermediate English中级英语课程纲要 Article-Writing, Loud Reading, and Public Speaking文章写作,琅琅的读书,和公开演讲课程纲要

Wk1 - Definitions, limitations of science


Wk1 - Vowels, short sentences, basic English, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5

Lecture 1:

Lecture 2:


Wk1 - Tenses, Techniques of Writing 1,

Prefixes, Vocab1

Wk1: Article writing basics. Loud reading basics. Public speaking basics.

Wk2 - Scope, background, and age issues. UFO. Cause and effect


Wk2 - Vowels, short sentences, basic English, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10

Lecture 3:

Lecture 4:

Wk2 - Verbs, Techniques of Writing 2,

Suffixes, Vocab2

Wk2: Practice loud reading

Wk3 - Special and general revelation. Christ and cosmos


Wk3 - Vowels, short sentences, basic English, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15 Some Idioms

Lecture 5:

Lecture 6:

Wk3 - Conditionals, Techniques of Writing 3,

Roots, Vocab3

Wk3: First presentation of public speaking

Wk4 - False science -- Evolution. Theistic evolution



Wk4 - Vowels, short sentences, basic English, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20

Lecture 7:

Lecture 8:

Wk4 - Voices, Techniques of Writing 4,


Wk4: Continue with the first presentation, and second loud reading

Wk5 - God's two great commissions. Miracles and nature


Wk5 - Vowels, short sentences, basic English, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25

Lecture 9:

Lecture 10:

Wk5: Second public presentation.


Wk6 - Biblical cosmology: perfect, fiat, and conserved



Wk6 - Vowels, short sentences, basic English, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30

Lecture 11:

Lecture 12:

Wk6 - Questions, Techniques of Writing 6,


Wk6: Continue with second presentation. Third loud reading.

Wk7 - Biblical astronomy: star numbers, star types


Wk7 - Vowels, short sentences, basic English, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35

Lecture 13:

Lecture 14:

Wk7 - -ing and infinitive, Techniques of Writing 7,


Wk7: Third presentation of public speaking.

Wk8 - Universe has expanded. New discoveries



Wk8 - Vowels, short sentences, basic English, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40

Lecture 15:

Lecture 16:

Wk8 - Articles, Techniques of Writing 8,


Wk8: Continue with third presentation of public speaking.

Wk9 - Stars' purpose. The sun could not be 5 billion years old


Wk9 - Vowels, short sentences, basic English, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45

Lecture 17:

Lecture 18:

Wk9 - Clauses, Techniques of Writing 9,


Wk9: Make improvement in loud reading and public speaking.

Wk10 - Thermodynamics and human behavior



Wk10 - Vowels, short sentences, basic English, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50

Lecture 19:

Lecture 20:

There was a half-hour final exam immediately after a 5-minute break.

Wk10 - Adjectives, Adverbs, Vocab10 Wk10: Write the 3-page reflection essay on "What I have learned."
Reference Books Reference 1 (English vowels and consonents) English Book  
  Reference 2 (45 points on basic English)    
  Reference 3 (440 sentences)    
  学英文440句 in 5 pages p1 p2 p3 p4 p5    
  Reference 4 (20 idioms)    
  Reference 5 (1500 idioms)    
  Reference 6 (PowerPoint)