
DiscipleTraining基督中心 Christ Center Gospel Mission

2604 B El Camino Real, Ste 310, Carlsbad, CA 92008, USA. Phone: (402) 871-9064 世界之光电视

耶穌門徒培訓e學院招生通告 申请表格 學習操練大網

Voice of Heaven On Earth



"一帶一路": 跨達亞,,,美洲,

   習近平先生前去瑞典開會宣佈: 高鐵將帶來世界友誼、經濟發展, 各地繁榮之美境.

絲路曾將造紙術印刷術,指南針, 火藥瓷器等傳到西方; 又將 基督教佛教, 回教, 傳來中國. 及今中國基督徒人口已達3.5億人, 超過全歐或 美國基督徒人數. 目前我國佛教徒人口仍最多. 而佛祖釋迦摩尼, 一國皇子, 後觀生老病死四大皆空. 出家修行 坐菩提樹下. 終悟得道:彌勒(梵文Maitreya), 與希伯來文Masiah Mashiach及英文Messiah相同. 中譯"彌賽亞""救世主". 經由中國國學大師師徒季羨林及錢文忠教授兩代深研. 發現彌勒與"救世主""彌賽亞"一人. 但佛主臨終前促導門徒, 切勿塑其身為偶像崇拜. 但其中一部份門徒 因印度教多神遺傳而塑偶像, 稱為大乘佛教, 傳入中國及鄰邦. 小乘佛教並無偶像. 如今佛教徒要歸根. 理應相信"救世主""彌賽亞".成為基督徒. 不可拜泥塑木刻之偶像的假神, 應該每主日(禮拜天)上福音堂, 敬拜為我們赦罪而釘十字架捨身流血之真神, 救主耶穌基督.

自古中國就熟知聖經的聖經裡記的故事提到世人死犯罪作惡, 無法無天, 上帝叫唯一的一家義人, 挪亞造一大方舟, 造好之後, 叫他全家八口人上方舟. 就下大雨, 淹沒了全世界, 黃帝命倉吉造字船字就是一家八口在方舟上. 可見古人就熟知聖經挪亞的後裔閃被分到東方. 是華人的老祖先.我們祖先叫他為閃帝(上帝). 中國唯一的宗教是道教. 老子曰﹕"道生一, 一生二, 二生三, 三生萬物." 與聖經裡講的三位一体: 聖父, 聖子, 聖靈創造萬物, 有極近似之處.

中國已是全世界基徒最多的國家. 南京又有全球最大的聖經印刷厰. 上帝賜於我們中國基督徒如此好的安排. 我們就應當去把福音傳給全世界.



In English 英文

English Texts

Chinese Radio Broadcasts

Chinese Sermon Lessons


Chinese Streaming TV



In Chinese 中文:








Some other TV sites: 好消息 美國創世電視

Cornerstone TV Daystar TV Christian TV TBN TCT CBN GOD TV 3ABN Sky Angel


上一世纪人类走在核战的阴影下,我们面对必然的死亡与毁灭,人类在寻找一条生路, 生老病死不应该是我们的归宿,感谢人类的救主耶稣的福音赐我们了新的盼望与生命。
这个福音的好消息挽救了人类,我们信的就有责任把这福音传给全世界的人。网络是神给世人的最好通讯工具。故我们开设了这个网站, 把好消息传给全世界的人, 也欢迎信的人一起努力。所以尊基督为中心,集同工传福音是我们的箴言,祈求大家靠圣灵的力量,同心合力传播福音,叫万人听,叫多人信耶稣得永生。

Since the Twentieth Century, human beings have lived under the shadow of nuclear destruction. On a personal level, we encounter four so-called black holes: birth, aging, sickness, and death without a way out. Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Savoir of the world, offers us hope and a new life.
Jesus said: "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
This is the Good news of the Gospel. As believers, we not only enjoy the benefits of the Gospel, we are also responsible to preach the Gospel to the whole world. The Internet is a God-sent modern tool for mass communication. We designed the web site in order to spread the Good News to people everywhere.
We welcome all believers to join us toward this goal. Our motto is "Christ is our Center; Together we evangelize". Pray that with the power of the Holy Spirit we can spread the Good News to the entire world so that many will believe in Jesus and have eternal life.



More programs. 更多广播节目

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Jesus' Disciple e-Training Institute (耶穌門徒培訓電子學院) 耶穌門徒培訓e學院招生通告 申请表格 學習操練大網

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An Open Letter 一封公开信:

救救我 们的青年子女 ! 救救我 们的教会 ! 使万民作耶 稣的门徒 ! 实践大使命 !

Rescue our young people! Rescue our churches! To make disciples of all nations! Accomplish the Great Commission!


广播节目Broadcasts 神学课程Lectures 证道集Sermons

祷告事项请寄: 基督中心信箱 Photo Album 图片专辑 Hallelujah Chorus 好消息电视
Christian Witness to Israel Creation Studies Institute Got Questions? Sermon PowerPoint Slides 讲道PowerPoint幻灯片
Sermons From Science PointPoint Slides 科学 Site Map 关于科学 Site Map CMI-INFObytes US神创论新闻
[img] 晨禱詩歌
孫大程佈道會 GCCI top banner 永生之道 良友电台
神采飞扬纲站 诗集Poems Sid Roth's "It's Supernatural" Messianic Vision 恐龍
神州传播协会 Bible Movies圣经电影 世界之光
归正福音纲站 新眼光电视台 Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism 天路人
荒漠甘泉樂侶 荒漠甘泉樂侶古今聖詩漫談 一位牧師的提醒 Family Bible Ministries

Watch a 2- to 34-minute on a Sermon from Science:

Type "Pastor Chui" on the search line of Google

基督中心 2007 黎明信箱 #1-#60 2008 黎明信箱 #61-#120

華人基督徒查經資料網站 網絡宣教論壇 Home

華人福音普世差傳會Gospel Operation International

Google 新聞 世界新闻网 BBC中文网 @Link Communications God's Learning Channel

五个快乐的秘诀 Five Principles of Happiness 聖靈充滿 陳翼平醫生傳道會

網 絡 中 英 聖 經 Read Both English and Chinese Bibles 有聲聖經Audio New and Old Testments

美丽的幻灯片 Beautiful Slide Shows

福音體恤佈道運動 10-Commandments and the Cross T-Shirt Evangelism Witnessing

证道參考書 Age of the Universe According to the Bible



Solving Problems of 'Dark' Matter and 'Dark' Energy Video PowerPoint

The Universe Cries Out for the Creator Video PowerPoint

We Are Very-Special in the Universe Video PowerPoint

The Big Bang Never Happened! Video PowerPoint

Some Evolutionists' Dreams Video PowerPoint

创造 http://Crev.info Download Monthly Creationism News PowerPoint slides NOW

Digging 5 Graves For Naturalism 150-page Book Part1 PP1 Txt1 Part2 PP2 Txt2 Part3 PP3 Txt3 Part4 PP4 Txt4 Part5 PP5 Txt5 Dig 4 Graves

挖掘自然主义的五个坟墓 150页的书 Part1 PP1 Txt1 Part2 PP2 Txt2 Part3 PP3 Txt3 Part4 PP4 Txt4 Part5 PP5 Txt5

A Critical Look at Isochron Datings Part1 PP1 Part2 PP2 Part3 PP3 Part4 PP4

Witness from Science--Biomimetics科学见证--仿生学 PPT Video1 Video2

Chinese Characters and Genesis PART 1 PPT Video PART 2 God's Continent Video

Sermons from Science 科学布道

7-minute Sermons from Science "7分钟"科学布道


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Thank you in advance.
God bless you and keep you.
From the Christ Center co-workers.















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