Sermons From Science VIDEOs for January 2022

1. Christ the Creationist


2. Is Jesus Christ the Creator God?

3. In the beginning God created—or was it a quantum fluctuation?-1


4. In the beginning God created—or was it a quantum fluctuation? -2


5. Godless universe untenable -1
无神的宇宙站不住脚 -1

6. Godless universe untenable -2
无神的宇宙站不住脚 -2

7. Who created God?

8. Loving God with all your mind: logic and creation -1
全心全意爱上帝:逻辑与创造 -1

9. Loving God with all your mind: logic and creation -2
全心全意爱上帝:逻辑与创造 -2


10. Loving God with all your mind: logic and creation -3
全心全意爱上帝:逻辑与创造 -3


11. Loving God with all your mind: logic and creation -4
全心全意爱上帝:逻辑与创造 -4


12. Fallacy: creationists can’t be scientists!


13. The surprisingly complex tRNA subsystem: part 1—generation and maturation -1
令人惊讶的复杂 tRNA 子系统:第 1 部分——生成和成熟-1



14. The surprisingly complex tRNA subsystem: part 1—generation and maturation -2
令人惊讶的复杂 tRNA 子系统:第 1 部分——生成和成熟-2

15. The surprisingly complex tRNA subsystem: part 1—generation and maturation -3
令人惊讶的复杂 tRNA 子系统:第 1 部分——生成和成熟-3